The method is simple, but a pencil-and-paper calculation would take some time.
The possible states of the game can be described by non-negative triples $(n,f,b)$ representing, in turn, the numbers of pillars $n,$ the number of animals on the floe $f,$ and the number of animals on the bridge $b.$ (The number of animals in the igloo is determined by $4-f-b.$)
When a state of the form $(0,*,*)$ is reached, the game is lost. Its value to us is zero.
When a state of the form $(n,0,0)$ with $n\gt 0$ is reached, the game is won. Its value to us is $1.$
The expected value is the sum of the values times their chances, which equals the sum of all chances of winning: that's what we want to compute.
The possible moves are
An "ice cube" changes $(n,f,b)$ to $(n-1,f,b),$ provided $n\gt 0.$
A "bridge" changes $(n,f,b)$ to $(n,f-1,b+1)$ provided $f \gt 0.$
An "igloo" changes $(n,f,b)$ to $(n,f,b-1)$ provided $b \gt 0.$
The method is to work backwards from the winning or losing states to compute the expectations for earlier states in the game.
Usually, each move is made with a chance of $1/3.$ As a shortcut, it helps to observe that in some states, not all moves are possible. For instance, from the initial state $(6,4,0),$ when "igloo" is rolled, nothing happens. The effect is to move eventually to either the state $(5,4,0)$ or $(5,3,1),$ each with probability $1/2.$ (This implies, by the way, that the answer must be a fraction whose denominator is a product of a power of $3$ and a power of $2.$)
The pencil-and-paper calculation could proceed in this fashion:
The value of $(1,0,0)$ is $1.$
The value of $(1,0,1)$ is $1/2,$ because there's a $1/2$ chance of moving to $(0,0,1)$ (with a value of $0$) and a $1/2$ chance of moving to $(1,0,0)$ (with its value of $1$).
The values of $(1,0,2)$ and $(1,1,0)$ similarly are $1/4,$ because there are even chances of moving to $(1,0,1)$ or to a loss.
The value of $(1,1,1)$ is $(0)/3 + (1/4)/3 + (1/4)/3 = 1/6$ because there are equal chances of moving to $(0,1,1),$ $(1,0,2),$ and $(1,1,0)$ with values $0,$ $1/4,$ and $1/4,$ as previously computed.
Etc., etc.
Proceeding (patiently!) through all $104$ possible states, we wind up with a value of $$148901 / 314928 = (61\times 2441) / (3^9\times 2^4) \approx 0.47281,$$ a little less than a $50\%$ chance of winning, for the initial state $(6,4,0).$
Using a computer helps. Here is the R
program I used for the calculations. It is set up to evaluate other versions of this game, starting from any initial position, using obvious and minor modifications. It could be a useful tool to design a similar game with any desired winning probability. For instance, you can accommodate a player with a shorter attention span by using $n=4$ pillars and starting with just $f=2$ animals (winning chances: $57\%$); or you can give a player an advantage by starting some animals on the bridge. E.g., starting with two animals on the bridge (initial state $(6,2,2)$) has a $69\%$ chance of winning.
An optional array DEPTH
tracks how many moves (using the shortcut previously described) are needed to reach each state. The maximum depth is $8+6-1=13,$ because after that many moves either all animals reach the igloo (eight moves) or all pillars collapse (six moves).
# Describe the game.
moves <- rbind(`ice cube`=c(n=-1,f=0,b=0), # Pillar collapses
`bridge`= c(0, -1, 1), # Move from floe to bridge
`igloo`= c(0, 0, -1)) # Move off the bridge
do.move <- function(state, move) {
newstate <- state + move
newstate[newstate < 0] <- NA # Invalid move
} <- function(state) paste(state, collapse="|")
# Find all states of the game and the chances of winning from them.
STATES <- list()
DEPTHS <- list(`NA` = -1) # Optional calculation of search depth
VERBOSE <- FALSE # To display progress
evaluate <- function(state, previous=NA) {
if (any( return(NA) # Ignore invalid moves
s <-
DEPTHS[[s]] <<- DEPTHS[[]] + 1 # Optional
if (is.null(STATES[[s]])) {
if(state[1] <= 0) {
value <- 0 # No pillars left
} else if(all(state[-1]==0)) {
value <- 1 # Some pillars left; no pieces on the floe or bridge
} else {
if(isTRUE(VERBOSE)) cat("Evaluating ", s, " at depth ", DEPTHS[[s]], "\n")
options <- apply(moves, 1, function(move) evaluate(do.move(state, move), state))
value <- mean(options, na.rm=TRUE)
if(isTRUE(VERBOSE)) cat("Caching ", s, " at depth ", DEPTHS[[s]], "\n")
STATES[[s]] <<- value
(value <- evaluate(c(n=6, floe=4, bridge=0)))