I have a linear mixed effects model as follows in R:
model.int = lmer(value ~ group * category * time + (1|patient), data=modeldata)
anova(model.int) then gives me the following list of p-values:
- group
- category
- time
- group * category
- group * time
- category * time
- group * category * time
As I use the mixed model on 5 sets of data, this results in altogether 5*7 = 35 p-values. Now we know that a higher number of p-values results in a higher percentage of type I errors, which is why we should correct for multiple comparisons.
But, among the 7 p-values, the only ones concerning my hypothesis are the two marked bold. The other p-values do not interest me. For example, I already know that time and group have a significant effect on value by study design, that is specifically the reason why I put it as a fixed effect in the linear mixed model!
My question is, can I just report the 2 p-values concerning my hypothesis in my paper and discard the rest? And if yes, do I correct for multiple comparisons only among the 2*5 = 10 p-values concerning my hypothesis or for all 35?