I have a question about emmeans
- Variables are A = {a1, a2, a3}, B= {b1, b2}, C = {c1, c2}
- Model ~ A+B+C+A * B+A * C+C * B
- One of research questions: Is there an effect of C on a1, a2 und a3 (A)?
And I was doing an analysis with > emmeans (Model, ~C|A+B) cause I needed to do also with "pairs" (for contrast analysis)
Also emmeans is for "mean" and pairs is for "comparison of mean" I can interpret and report values for pairs cause there are t-values and p-values ex. t(45) = 0.35, p = .003. The effect of C is significant
But I don't get it to interpret emmeans. How can I interpret this table and report the values? Could you please explain how I can do?