I have some questions all related to SEM models. I am just estimating a SEM model in R using the function sem. The model looks like this:
SEMmodel <- '
factor1_a =~ x1 + x2 + x3
factor2_a =~ x39_9 + x39_16 + x39_18 + x39_19 + x39_21
factor3_a =~ x39_5 + x39_6
factor1_b =~ x39_31 + x39_32 + x39_33
factor2_b =~ x39_10 + x39_13 + x39_8 + x39_3
factor1_c =~ x39_1 + x39_2
factor2_c =~ x39_14 + x39_15
factor3_c =~ x39_29 + x39_30
factor4_c =~ x39_29 + x39_30
a =~ factor1_a + factor2_a + factor3_a
b =~ factor1_b + factor1_b
c =~ factor1_c + factor2_c + factor3_c + factor4_c
# Add some indirect effects between the second level factors and a regression.
factor1_a ~~ factor2_a
factor1_b ~~ factor1_a
factor3_c ~~ factor4_c
factor2_b ~~ factor2_c
fit <- sem(SEMmodel, data=data)
I am asked to state whether I use a covariance-based structural equation modeling. I am not able to understand it. Do I use it just because I define the covariances or this is something different?
Moreover, I am asked to report the average variance extracted (AVE) and the composite reliabilities but I don't know which indicators are since I haven't found them anywhere among the goodness of fit indices...
Can somebody help please? Thanks in advance!