I am performing a correlation analysis between LST values captured from Landsat 8, and combinations of MODIS Terra and Aqua observations. I am also comparing the MODIS datasets with LST values observed from 11 ground weather stations. I calculated the daily mean LST over an ROI for both sets of data (after preprocessing for high-quality pixels), plotted the scatter plot, fitted a linear regression model, and generated the coefficient of determination (r2) and Root Mean Squared Difference (RMSD) for all pairs of data. My question is, that I am getting p-values very close to zero ( < 0.01 ) in almost all regressions. In terms of the satellite data, I am getting a correlation of around 0.35 (+-1) for all sets of data, and for weather station comparison I am getting a correlation of 0.6-0.8.
How come the p-value is low even though the degree of correlation between the sets of satellite data is small? The number of data points is on average 300 higher than the weather station LST values.
Another question is what other tests can I implement to solidify the significance of the low p-values in both sets of data? What tests can I perform to check the accuracy of these statistics? I know this is a somewhat broad question but any point in the right direction will be appreciated.