I have seen many applications of beta regression when dependent variables are bounded between 0 and 1 (proportions, probabilities, etc.).
However, would beta regression be appropriate when my dependent variable is bounded between 0 and 1, but is neither a proportion nor a probability? For example, say that my dependent variable is an index of democracy (this is the strategy that V-Dem uses) that ranges from 0-1 (the values themselves are rarely ever 0 or 1 exactly). This is basically a continuous measure that has a hard lower and upper-bound. I could just as easily transpose scores to range between 0 and 100, for example, but the problem with hard cut-offs still applies (it would not be theoretically possible for a value to ever be <0 or >100).
With this situation, should one use OLS or beta regression? Or is there another sort of specialized tool for outcome variables such as this?