I have a linear mixed model in R for predicting the numeric value invested by participants in a Trust Game (it's an experimental paradigm) with the factors "group" (intervention group and control group) and "time" (every participant played the game twice, with a year interval between both times), the interaction factors timeXgroup and a random intercept (the random intercept was the participants).
I've consulted some already answered questions here in this site, but I want to be sure I'm doing this right. Here, here and here.
Is my interpretation of the summary of my model correct?
m_inv_td_30 <- lmer(investment ~ (1|id) + time*group,
data = data_cond, REML=FALSE)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.1900 0.2343 83.8743 22.152 < 2e-16 ***
time2 -0.2342 0.1115 5779.3286 -2.101 0.035698 *
groupINTERV -1.1750 0.3313 83.8743 -3.546 0.000642 ***
time2:groupINTERV 0.4754 0.2066 5753.1353 2.301 0.021414 *
Interpretations: a) The intercept of my model is the control group and time 1.
b) The control group invests 0.2342 less in time 2 than this same group in time 1.
c) In time 1, the INTERV (intervention) group invests 1.1750 less than control group.
d) The INTERV group invests 0.4754-0.2342= 0.2412 more in the time 2 than this same group in time 1.
e) All of this is significant.
f) From the interaction plot, I can say there is an interaction between group and time.
interaction.plot(x.factor = plot_media_f1$tempo, #x-axis variable
trace.factor = plot_media_f1$grupo, #variable for lines
response = plot_media_f1$media_investimento, #y-axis variable
fun = median, #metric to plot
ylab = "Investment",
xlab = "Time",
col = c("pink", "blue"),
lty = 1, #line type
lwd = 2, #line width
trace.label = "Groups")
int<- ggpredict(m_inv_td_30, terms = c("time2", "groupINTER")) ggplot(int, aes(x, predicted, colour = group)) + geom_line()
. See strengejacke.github.io/ggeffects/articles/ggeffects.html $\endgroup$