I need a little help with my meta-regression interpretation. The effect sizes are based on odds ratios.
I have used rma in the metafor package: reg <- rma(yi = es, sei = se, data = df, method = "ML", mods = ~ Group) which produced this table:
b see zval p ci.lb ci.ub
Intercept -0.44 0.225 -1.955 0.051 -0.882 0.001
(ref) -- -- -- -- -- --
A -0.525 0.173 -3.037 0.002 -0.863 -0.186 **
B -0.353 0.195 -1.808 0.071 -0.736 0.03
I'm wondering how to interpret this...
Question 1 = Does this mean that compared to the reference, the OR for group A is 0.55 lower than the reference group, and the OR for group B is 0.35 lower than the reference group?
Question 2 = So, Group A and Group B are interventions for reducing disease incidence... Can I, therefore, say that compared to the reference Group, group A was the most effective intervention compared to the reference group. And group A is 17.2% more effective than group B (difference between the two values)
I hope that makes sense; many thanks in advance ~R