I am trying to fit a CFA model with four factors (say F1 with 4 indicators, F2 with 6 indicators, F3 with 3 indicators and F4 with 5 indicators) in Amos. Each indicator is computed by summation of some Likert scale items of the questionnaire. The sample size is $n = 451$, and the indicators have an approximately normal distribution. No sign of collinearity has been observed. The fit indices after deletion of 4 non-significant/low-factor loading indicators are:
- CMIN/df = 7.824
- CFI = .913
- TLI = .889
- NFI = .902
- RMSEA = .123
- SRMR = .060.
However, I found out that by deletion of F3, the fit indices change to:
- CMIN/df = 4.054
- CFI = .972
- TLI = .962
- NFI =.963
- RMSEA =.082
- SRMR =.033
All the F3 indicators have factor loading values greater than .7 with small standard errors. How this can be interpreted?