In this blog post, the author shows one example of "weird" p-value histogram ("Scenario C"):
One provided explanation is that a one-sided test was run, and the tests where the effect was in the opposite direction gave p-values close to 1. His recommendation is to filter out the tests based on direction of effect before computing the FDR.
However, I am aware that pre-filtering before FDR computation can be problematic if the filtering is not done the right way, as discussed e.g. here, and it feels like filtering on effect direction is "cheating", as we look at the results.
Now, if I run a quick simulation in R (shown below), filtering leads to p-values distributed from 0 to 0.5, so the assumption that the p-values are uniform between 0 and 1 is no longer valid. So, is it correct to filter based on effect direction before FDR computation?
Further, looking empirically at the FDR and power in my simulations, it looks like I keep a correct FDR control if I specify the total number of tests in p.adjust()
, while still gaining a bit of power. Is this the correct way to do it?
## Generate data ----
real_means <- c(
rep(0, 1000), # no effect
runif(200, -1, 0), # decreased
runif(200, 0, 1) # increased
labels <- c(
rep("none", 1000),
rep("decreased", 200),
rep("increased", 200)
samples <- lapply(real_means, \(mu) rnorm(30, mu, sd = 1))
## Compute p-values and fdr ----
p_values <- sapply(samples, \(x) t.test(x, alternative = "greater")$p.value )
p_values <- setNames(p_values, labels)
hist(p_values, breaks = 70)
fdr <- p.adjust(p_values, method = "BH")
## check results ----
false_positives <- sum( fdr[names(fdr) != "increased"] < 0.05 )
predicted_positives <- sum( fdr < 0.05 )
true_positives <- sum( fdr[names(fdr) == "increased"] < 0.05 )
positives <- sum( names(fdr) == "increased" )
# false discovery rate
false_positives / predicted_positives
#> [1] 0.01234568
# true positive rate
true_positives / positives
#> [1] 0.4
## With filtering ----
direction_increasing <- sapply(samples, \(x) mean(x) >= 0 )
filtered_p_values <- p_values[ direction_increasing ]
filt_fdr <- p.adjust(filtered_p_values, method = "BH" )
false_positives <- sum( filt_fdr[names(filt_fdr) != "increased"] < 0.05 )
predicted_positives <- sum( filt_fdr < 0.05 )
true_positives <- sum( filt_fdr[names(filt_fdr) == "increased"] < 0.05 )
positives <- sum( names(filt_fdr) == "increased" )
# false discovery rate
false_positives / predicted_positives
#> [1] 0.04301075
# true positive rate
true_positives / positives
#> [1] 0.4863388
## With filtering, but specifying total number of tests ----
filt_fdr_with_n <- p.adjust(filtered_p_values, method = "BH", n = length(p_values) )
false_positives <- sum( filt_fdr_with_n[names(filt_fdr_with_n) != "increased"] < 0.05 )
predicted_positives <- sum( filt_fdr_with_n < 0.05 )
true_positives <- sum( filt_fdr_with_n[names(filt_fdr_with_n) == "increased"] < 0.05 )
positives <- sum( names(filt_fdr_with_n) == "increased" )
# false discovery rate
false_positives / predicted_positives
#> [1] 0.01234568
# true positive rate
true_positives / positives
#> [1] 0.4371585
Created on 2024-07-19 with reprex v2.1.0