
i am looking to see if there is a difference in dissolved oxygen levels between pool surface (S) and bottom (B) samples at four sites (an up and downstream site in two creeks). There are 3 replicate readings at each site, each replicate has a surface and bottom reading at the same location (paired surface and bottom readings). The sites and replicates were sampled on two separate occasions (Period).

I'm interested in finding out if there are higher dissolved oxygen levels at the surface compared to bottom samples, but also if there are also interactions between period and site. Is a three-way anova with Period (2 level factor), site (4 level factor) and depth (2 level factor) appropriate? Or would paired t-tests be more suitable, grouped for sites (pooling both periods' data) for analysis of within site differences?

Thankyou in advance

Period Site S B
1 LCU 100.1 70.8
1 LCU 99.3 60.6
1 LCU 95.5 66.0
1 LCD 90.3 55.6
1 LCD 85.8 51.0
1 LCD 90.6 51.8
1 MCU 85.5 90.0
1 MCU 86.9 86.0
1 MCU 85.4 94.0
1 MCD 92.9 45.0
1 MCD 88.6 56.9
1 MCD 89.4 70.1
2 LCU 70.0 20.0
2 LCU 66.4 28.5
2 LCU 61.3 29.4
2 LCD 55.6 55.1
2 LCD 55.8 48.2
2 LCD 57.8 48.1
2 MCU 54.0 52.1
2 MCU 53.2 53.3
2 MCU 53.3 51.1
2 MCD 40.0 18.0
2 MCD 41.0 28.9
2 MCD 44.9 26.4
  • $\begingroup$ They are taken in the same pool area for both periods $\endgroup$
    – Adrian
    Commented Aug 9 at 7:06
  • $\begingroup$ There is nothing paired in your data. To be paired, it needs to be the exact same "unit" being measured twice, under differnet conditions; you surface/bottom measurements are not paired (different sample of water), your replicates are not paired either (each is an independent water sample), your 2 periods are not paired either. And the sites are not paired either (same creek, but a different water sample again). So paired t-tests would not make sense. $\endgroup$
    – jginestet
    Commented Aug 9 at 7:20
  • $\begingroup$ No, I perhaps should have been more specific but the only element I am putting forward as paired are the surface and bottom samples, as they are recorded at the same time in the same location, for each replicate. $\endgroup$
    – Adrian
    Commented Aug 9 at 7:36

1 Answer 1


You can use a repeated measures ANOVA, or mixed model to account for the replicates at the same time and location for bottom and surface measurements.

To do this, I made two changes to your data:

  • Convert it to long format. This is what most statistical software expects for this type of model.
  • Split the Site variable into Creek and Direction (upstream or downstream). This allows you to choose whether or not to include an interaction between the two, providing more flexibility.
LMM <- glmmTMB(Oxygen ~ Period * Creek + Direction + Type + (1 | Replicate), 
               data = Long)


 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Formula:          Oxygen ~ Period * Creek + Direction + Type + (1 | Replicate)
Data: Long

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   375.9    390.9   -180.0    359.9       40 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups    Name        Variance  Std.Dev. 
 Replicate (Intercept) 1.993e-07 4.464e-04
 Residual              1.057e+02 1.028e+01
Number of obs: 48, groups:  Replicate, 24

Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2):  106 

Conditional model:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)       61.625      3.635  16.952  < 2e-16 ***
Period2          -26.767      4.198  -6.377 1.81e-10 ***
CreekMC            4.442      4.198   1.058  0.29000    
DirectionU         9.371      2.968   3.157  0.00159 ** 
TypeSurface       20.279      2.968   6.832 8.37e-12 ***
Period2:CreekMC  -11.108      5.936  -1.871  0.06132 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

From the output, you can see that the variance between replicates is very small compared to the residual variance, so omitting the random effect for Replicate and using lm will give practically identical results.

Here is a visualization that summarizes the model, using the great package sjPlot:

plot_model(LMM, type = "pred", terms = c("Period", "Type", "Creek", "Direction"))



DF <- read.csv("CV_652520.csv")
DF$Direction <- factor(substr(DF$Site, 3, 3))
DF$Creek     <- factor(substr(DF$Site, 1, 2))

Long <- data.frame(
  Period    = factor(rep(DF$Period, 2)),
  Creek     = rep(DF$Creek, 2),
  Direction = rep(DF$Direction, 2),
  Oxygen    = c(DF$S, DF$B),
  Type      = factor(rep(c("Surface", "Bottom"), each = nrow(DF))),
  Replicate = factor(rep(1:nrow(DF), 2))

LMM <- glmmTMB(Oxygen ~ Period * Creek + Direction + Type + (1 | Replicate), 
               data = Long)

plot_model(LMM, type = "pred", terms = c("Period", "Type", "Creek", "Direction"))

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