I have a CSV file with 4 million edges of a directed network representing people communicating with each other (e.g. John sends a message to Mary, Mary sends a message to Ann, John sends another message to Mary, etc.). I would like to do two things:
Find degree, betweeness and (maybe) eigenvector centrality measures for each person.
Get a visualization of the network.
I would like to do this on the command-line on a Linux server since my laptop does not have much power. I have R installed on that server and the statnet library. I found this 2009 post of someone more competent than me trying to do the same thing and having problems with it. So I was wondering if anyone else has any pointers on how to do this, preferably taking me step by step since I only know how to load the CSV file and nothing else.
Just to give you an idea, this is how my CSV file looks like:
$ head comments.csv
$ wc -l comments.csv
4210369 comments.csv