Here are some results from a regression for 74 cars of gpm
(gallons per mile) as a function of trunk
, weight
, length
and displacement
, which are all measures of size of cars. Only one predictor achieves significance at conventional levels, although its P-value is pleasingly small.
. regress gpm trunk weight length displacement
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 74
-------------+------------------------------ F( 4, 69) = 48.19
Model | .008805719 4 .00220143 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | .003151908 69 .00004568 R-squared = 0.7364
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.7211
Total | .011957628 73 .000163803 Root MSE = .00676
gpm | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
trunk | .0003037 .0002702 1.12 0.265 -.0002354 .0008427
weight | .0000121 3.90e-06 3.11 0.003 4.35e-06 .0000199
length | .0000137 .0001189 0.12 0.909 -.0002235 .0002509
displacement | 4.31e-06 .0000194 0.22 0.825 -.0000344 .000043
_cons | .0059957 .012773 0.47 0.640 -.0194857 .0314771
Stata users will, or rather should, recognise regression output for the auto
dataset. Naturally none of the commentary here is intrinsic or specific to Stata.
If we look at correlations for the predictors with gpm
, here presented in terms of correlations and 95% confidence intervals, we see that all correlations between individual predictors and gpm
are significant at the 5% level; in fact stronger statements could be made.
correlations and 95% limits
trunk gpm 0.632 0.472 0.752
weight gpm 0.854 0.778 0.906
length gpm 0.820 0.727 0.883
displacement gpm 0.771 0.659 0.850
It is easy to reconcile these two findings. The correlations pay absolutely no attention to any other variables except the two named. (There are ways of taking other variables into account, notably partial correlation, but we haven't done that.) The regression on the other hand is a team effort and each coefficient depends not only on the associated predictor, but also on the other predictors. The way it shapes out here is that the predictors are strongly correlated with each other, but weight
looks like the best predictor, and given that weight
is in the equation, the other predictors cannot add much.
In a real problem, you should always look at the entire correlation matrix to check the relationships among the predictors; the corresponding scatter plot matrix; and various diagnostic plots.
Only when the predictors are uncorrelated with each other will the effects of all the predictors be the sum of the effects of individual predictors. If you have that situation, it is often bad news, not good, as it means your data are just noise. Absent some experimental design intended to secure independence, moderate if not strong relationships among the predictors are as much to be expected as moderate to strong relationships between the predictors and the response variable.