In Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier, which parameter estimation do we use, is it Maximum Likelihood or Maximum A Posteriori?
If any one of the esteemed members may kindly help me out.
For learning the NBC, the ML estimate for feature $F_i$ given class $C_j$ is often used. That is $$ P(F_i \mid C_j) \leftarrow \frac{\text{# cases from class $C_j$ with feature $F_i$}}{\text{# cases from class $C_j$}}. $$ There are usually two options for setting the class marginals.. either $$ P(C_j) \leftarrow \frac{1}{\text{# of possible classes}}, $$ or $$ P(C_j) \leftarrow \frac{\text{# cases from class $C_j$}}{\text{# of cases}}. $$ The latter is the ML estimate for the marginal, and the former is just a nameless 'objective' approach. In this setup, there is no MAP estimate unless a prior is incorporated, but that is nonstandard.