I was presenting proofs of WLLN and a version of SLLN (assuming bounded 4th central moment) when somebody asked which measure is the probability with respect too and I realised that, on reflection, I wasn't quite sure.
It seems that it is straightforward, since in both laws we have a sequence of $X_{i}$'s, independent RVs with identical mean and finite variance. There is only one random variable in sight, namely the $X_{i}$, so the probability must be w.r.t the distribution of the $X_{i}$, right? But then that doesn't seem quite right for the strong law since the typical proof technique is then to define a new RV $S_{n} := \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i}$ and work with that, and the limit is inside the probability:
$ Pr \left[\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} = E[X_{i}]\right]=1 $
So now it looks as if the RV is the sums over $n$ terms, so the probability is over the distribution of the sums $S_{n}$, where $n$ is no longer fixed. Is that correct? If it is, how would we go about constructing a suitable probability measure on the sequences of partial sums?
Happy to receive intuitive responses as to what is going on as well as formal ones using e.g. real or complex analysis, undergrad probability/statistics, basic measure theory. I've read Convergence in probability vs. almost sure convergence and associated links, but find no help there.