Suppose we're in the business of repairing broken specialty widgets and reselling them. At each point in time, we want to predict how much cash we'll make in the next 30 days on the existing inventory. All widgets are different although some may have similar characteristics.
The data we have: a list of all widgets repaired in the past 5 years, along with widget characteristics (numeric and categorical variables), dates of start and finish, original value, and resale value. We also have a list of all widgets that are currently being repaired, which contains the same info excluding finish date and resale value.
We have reason to believe that widget characteristics can help predict time to repair and resale value ratio.
My current idea is this: consider two models, one to predict the time until finish, and one to predict a "resale ratio", i.e. $\frac{\text{resale value}}{\text{original value}}$.
I'd like to focus on the first model.
One possibility is to take the finished repairs, and fit time to repair ~ characteristics
via a gamma GLM. This is straightforward and can be cross validated. However, how would we handle cases when the predicted repair time is less than elapsed time?
Another possibility is to utilize techniques in survival analysis, but I'm not familiar with it and am not able to find existing case studies.
I'm sure similar problems have been solved in many fields, so I'd like feedback on best practices and whether I'm on the right track.