Edit: This answer is based on an incorrect assumption that likelihood of the marginal counts given $p_{x,y}$ is only a function of the marginal probabilities $p_x = \sum_y p_{x,y}$ and $p_y = \sum_x p_{x,y}$. I'm still thinking about it.
Wrong stuff follows:
As mentioned in a comment, the problem with finding "the" maximum-likelihood estimator for $p_{x, y}$ is that it's not unique. For instance, consider the case with binary $X, Y$ and marginals $S_1 = S_2 = T_1 = T_2 = 10$. The two estimators
$$p = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \frac12 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac12\end{array}\right), \qquad p = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \frac14 & \frac14 \\ \frac14 & \frac14\end{array}\right)$$
have the same marginal probabilities $p_x$ and $p_y$ in all cases, and hence have equal likelihoods (both of which maximize the likelihood function, as you can verify).
Indeed, no matter what the marginals are (as long as two of them are nonzero in each dimension), the maximum likelihood solution is not unique. I'll prove this for the binary case. Let $p = \left(\begin{array}{cc}a & b \\ c & d\end{array}\right)$ be a maximum-likelihood solution. Without loss of generality suppose $0 < a \le d$. Then $p = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & b + a \\ c + a & d - a\end{array}\right)$ has the same marginals and is thus also a maximum-likelihood solution.
If you want to additionally apply a maximum-entropy constraint, then you do get a unique solution, which as F. Tussell stated is the solution in which $X, Y$ are independent. You can see this as follows:
The entropy of the distribution is $H(p) = -\sum_{x,y} p_{x,y} \log p_{x,y}$; maximizing subject to $\sum_x p_{x,y} = p_y$ and $\sum_{y} p_{x,y} = p_x$ (equivalently, $\vec g(p) = 0$ where $g_x(p) = \sum_y p_{x,y} - p_x$ and $g_y(p) = \sum_x p_{x,y} - p_y$) using Lagrange multipliers gives the equation:
$$\nabla H(p) = \sum_{ k \in X \cup Y} \lambda_k \nabla g_k(p) $$
All the gradients of each $g_k$ are 1, so coordinate-wise this works out to
$$1 - \log p_{x,y} = \lambda_x + \lambda_y \implies p_{x,y} = e^{1-\lambda_x-\lambda_y}$$
plus the original constraints $\sum_x p_{x,y} = p_y$ and $\sum_{y} p_{x,y} = p_x$. You can verify that this is satisfied when $e^{1/2 - \lambda_x} = p_x$ and $e^{1/2 - \lambda_y} = p_y$, giving $$p_{x,y} = p_xp_y.$$
tag? Are you after a maximum-entropy solution? $\endgroup$