As stated in the GRS paper, you have to estimate the intercepts of each asset in your portfolio by sample OLS. This will give you a vector of estimates $\hat{\alpha}_1, \hat{\alpha}_2, \ldots$. Put these into a vector $\hat{\alpha}$. Now estimate the covariance matrix of the assets in the 'usual' way, calling it $\hat{\Sigma}$. Then compute $W_u = \hat{\alpha}^{\top} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{\alpha} / (1 + \hat{\theta}^2),$ where $\hat{\theta}$ is the sample-estimated Sharpe ratio of the market portfolio (the one that you used in the individual OLS regressions as the market). Then $T W_u$ should follow a Hotelling Law, where $T$ is the number of days observed (for the regressions. Note that a modification of the GRS test allows one to use a covariance esimator built on different data from the OLS regressions).
The test statistic is then computed as below:
#compute the sample Sharpe ratio <- function(x) {
mu <- mean(x)
sg <- sd(x)
return(mu / sg)
#srets is a T x N matrix of the returns of the assets
# by return, I mean the relative return (V_t / V_{t-1}) - 1,
# where V_t is the 'value' of the asset at time t.
# relative returns make more sense when combined 'laterally'
#mret is a T-vector of the returns of the 'market'
GRS.test <- function(srets,mret) {
T <- dim(srets)[1]
N <- dim(srets)[2]
#this is 'good' R style, but probably slow as hell.
#would be faster to precompute the solution to the
#normal equations and apply it en masse to the srets
#matrix ...
reg.func <- function (y, m) {
mod <- lm(y ~ m)
alphas <- as.vector(apply(srets, 2, reg.func, mret))
#now the sigma hat;
Sig.hat <- cov(srets) <-
#the GRS test statistic
W.u <- t(alphas) %*% solve(Sig.hat,(alphas)) / (1 +^2)
#convert to F
F.stat <- T * (T - N - 1) * W.u / (N * (T - 2))
p.val <- pf(F.stat, N, T-N-1, 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
return(list('Wu' = W.u,'Fstat' = F.stat,'pval' = p.val))
#generate population data under the null to test the code;
#return the p-value for the data
GRS.gen.null <- function(T,N) {
srets <- matrix(rnorm(T*N),ncol=N)
mret <- as.vector(rnorm(T)) <- GRS.test(srets,mret)
#always test your code under the null!
nday <- 150 #'T'
nstock <- 8 #'N'
ntrial <- 2048 #number of experiments <- replicate(ntrial,GRS.gen.null(nday,nstock))
I tested the function under the null hypothesis to confirm uniformity of the resultant p-values. Here is a plot:
This is a brain dead form of the null, where the stocks have no beta as well as no alpha (I was in a hurry). Probably one would want to test the power as well. Also note that using the some matrix math instead of calling lm
will probably speed up this code quite a bit.
You can also use the F distribution to compute confidence intervals on the non-centrality parameter (assumed to be zero under the null).
If there is not a stock R package for performing this test, I would be very surprised (and would like to write such a package in that case ... )