I got a log-likelihood value of -34.82, so I am not getting whether the answer which I have got is right or not.
Can the likelihood take values outside of the range $[0, 1]$?
I got a log-likelihood value of -34.82, so I am not getting whether the answer which I have got is right or not.
Can the likelihood take values outside of the range $[0, 1]$?
Likelihood must be at least 0, and can be greater than 1.
Consider, for example, likelihood for three observations from a uniform on (0,0.1); when non-zero, the density is 10, so the product of the densities would be 1000.
Consequently log-likelihood may be negative, but it may also be positive.
[Indeed, according to some definitions the likelihood is only defined up to a multiplicative constant (e.g. see here), so even if the density were bounded by 1, the likelihood still wouldn't be.]
Clarifications as a result of comments/chat: For a continuous distribution, likelihood is defined in terms of density. Density must be at least $0$ and can exceed $1$; and as a result, likelihood can exceed $1$.
The likelihood function is a product of density functions for independent samples. A density function can have non-negative values. The log-likelihood is the logarithm of a likelihood function. If your likelihood function $L\left(x\right)$ has values in $\left(0,1\right)$ for some $x$, then the log-likelihood function $\log L\left(x\right)$ will have values between $\left(-\infty,0\right)$. For $L\left(x\right)\in\left[1,\infty\right)$ the $\log L\left(x\right)\in\left[0,\infty\right)$. So $-34.82$ is a typical value for a log-likelihood function.