For a parametric model ${\cal M} = \{p(\cdot \mid \theta, \alpha)\}$ with two parameters $\theta$ and $\alpha$ equipped with a prior distribution $\pi(\theta, \alpha)$ then the ("joint") likelihood on $(\theta, \alpha)$ after $x$ has been observed is defined by $$L(\theta, \alpha \mid x) \overset{\theta,\alpha}{\propto} p(x \mid \theta, \alpha).$$
See here about my notation $\overset{\theta,\alpha}{\propto}$.
The marginal likelihood on $\alpha$ is obtained by integrating the joint likelihood over the conditional prior distribution $\pi(\theta \mid \alpha)$: $$\tilde L(\alpha \mid x) \overset{\alpha}{\propto} \int L(\theta,\alpha \mid x) \pi(\theta \mid \alpha) d\theta.$$
This is nothing but the "ordinary" likelihood for a new model $\tilde{\cal M} = \{\tilde p(\cdot \mid \alpha)\}$ with parameter $\alpha$, obtained by integrating the original sampling distribution over the conditional prior distribution $\pi(\theta \mid \alpha)$: $$\tilde p(x \mid \alpha) = \int p(x \mid \theta, \alpha)\pi(\theta \mid \alpha) d\theta$$
which is also the conditional prior predictive distribution (of $x$ given $\alpha$).
Using the marginal prior distribution $\pi(\alpha)$ of $\alpha$ for this model yields exactly the same posterior distribution:
$$\pi(\alpha \mid x) \overset{\alpha}{\propto} \pi(\alpha)\tilde L(\alpha \mid x).$$
To sum up, the marginal likelihood is the likelihood of the model whose sampling distribution is the conditional prior predictive distribution.