I have the following problem and I wanted to see if somebody with more experience can help me.
I'm doing a Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis in rJAGS with models like these:
model {
for (i in 1:12) {
P[i] <- 1/S.sqr[i] # Calculate precision
T[i] ~ dnorm(theta[i], P[i]) # study effects
theta[i] ~ dnorm(mu, prec) # random effects
mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.5) # mean difference prior
tau ~ dunif(0,10) # Uniform on SE
tau.sqr <- tau*tau # between-study variance
prec<-1/(tau.sqr) # precision of tau
Basically, I have about a dozen studies and for each of them I have calculated an effect size in ms, e.g.:
T<- c(7, 12, 6, 23, 15, 9, 17, 20, 15, 11, 25, 9)
I have a theoretically-motivated prior for a null hypothesis (e.g. μ ~ N(0, 0.1)) and an alternative hypothesis (e.g. μ ~ N(15, 0.1)). My question is: is it possible to calculate Bayes factors to quantify the evidence in support of the alternative hypothesis compared to the null hypothesis?
So far, I haven't been able to find a solution to this. I know that the R package "BayesFactor" has a function for a meta-analysis, but it uses t-values from individual studies, which doesn't work for me (it also assumes that the studies estimate the same effect size, which is also not what I want to do).