I have a set of data where the group label for a bunch of the data is missing. I know that there are 10 groups (integer 1 to 10):
label x1 x2 b1
1 NA 2.311 6.633 1
2 NA 4.198 2.483 0
3 2 2.655 2.960 1
4 NA 4.315 2.732 0
5 1 2.631 3.427 1
6 NA 1.794 3.499 0
x1 and x2 follow normal distribution with mean dependent of the class label and known variance, b1 follow binomial distribution with p that is also dependent of the class label. The probability of each case being assigned to class $i$ is $p_i$ which sum to 1 for all classes.
I know that if the classes are all known, we can just calculate the class-specific log likelihood, but when some of them are unknown, how should I proceed it?