What I want to know
Are there any near-exhaustive (... and preferably free) informational resources that summarize statistical tests/procedures? Please take 'near-exhaustive' to approximately mean "has most of the statistical methods you've heard of". An example of the sort of summary information I would hope for would include usable data types of the variables (ex. ordinal, continuous), assumptions (ex. dependence, normality, or homoscedasticity), and number of dependent variables.
Why do I want to know
I want to be able to have a large resource to consult for deciding what type of analysis I should use for a dataset and experimental design. The idea being that I could then go learn the details of any procedure in this summary that appeared most promising for my current data analysis needs.
What I've been doing
As if I couldn't believe statistics was a huge topic, although I do believe it, I've been reading from a variety of websites (most-frequently wikipedia and university pages) on different methods of statistical analysis out there. I've been building a spreadsheet with each entry being a distinct analysis, and the fields being the properties or assumptions I can find on that analysis. This is proving to be a very difficult task, and resultantly my table is not as complete as I would like. I feel like such a summary would be a useful tool for both noob and veteran alike.
The closest I have found is the NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook for Engineering Statistics, but there are plenty of methods that even a noob like me has heard of that are not in this document (http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm). Although it is not as complete as I would like, I will caveat I do find its scope impressive.