I'm not sure whether this belongs here (or Cross Validated), but until somebody tells me otherwise, I'll keep it here.
I initially ran a mixed model to calculate p values from a mixed model:
pos.mod <- function(x) {temp <- round(t(as.data.frame(summary(lme(value ~
pos, random = ~1 | id2, data = x))$tTable[2, c("Value", "p-value")])), 3)}
However the residuals were highly non-normal given that the data were counts, so I wound up using lmer()
with a Poisson error distribution.
pos.mod <- function(x) round(summary(glmer(value ~ pos + (1 | pos),
family="poisson", data = x))$coefficients[2, c(1, 2, 4)], 3)
That seemed to deal with the problem nicely, but I need some help interepreting the results:
sp variable Pr(>|z|) Estimate Std. Error Estimate_new.pos Std. Error_new.pos Sp1 bn 0.292 0.090 0.085 0.090 0.085 Sp1 con 0.949 0.015 0.226 0.015 0.226 Sp1 fn 0.651 0.182 0.403 0.182 0.403 Sp1 ppn 0.491 0.124 0.181 0.124 0.181 Sp1 tn 0.206 0.091 0.072 0.091 0.072 Sp2 bn 0.000 0.316 0.080 0.316 0.080 ...
Now, I believe that Pr(>|z|) is functionally, but not mathematically equivalent, to my p value]. However, I am unsure whether I should report these values as p= or Pr(>|z|)=, and if the latter, whether it implies that the effect is significant in the same way a p value does. So, based on the fragment of results I posted above, would it be fair to say that:
Sp2 appears to have a highly significant effect on bn counts?
Furthermore, I am just a bit paranoid about these given that the lmer()
results suggest that several effects of my independent variable (sp) are highly significant, while no remotely significant effects were found from lme()
is an abbreviation of "probability". Those are "the p-values". $\endgroup$glm
is not a mixed mixed model. It is a generalized linear model (and you can usefamily="poisson"
with it). $\endgroup$