They are strongly related. Your example is not reproducible because you didn't include your data, thus I'll make a new one. First of all, let's create a periodic function:
T <- 10
omega <- 2*pi/T
N <- 21
x <- seq(0, T, len = N)
sum_sines_cosines <- function(x, omega){
Yper <- sum_sines_cosines(x, omega)
Yper[N]-Yper[1] # numerically 0
x2 <- seq(0, T, len = 1000)
Yper2 <- sum_sines_cosines(x2, omega)
plot(x2, Yper2, col = "red", type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "Y")
points(x, Yper)
Now, let's create a Fourier basis for regression. Note that, with $N = 2k+1$, it doesn't really make sense to create more than $N-2$ basis functions, i.e., $N-3=2(k-1)$ non-constant sines and cosines, because higher frequency components are aliased on such a grid. For example, a sine of frequency $k\omega$ is indistinguishable from a costant (sine): consider the case of $N=3$, i.e., $k=1$. Anyway, if you want to double check, just change N-2
to N
in the snippet below and look at the last two columns: you'll see that they're actually useless (and they create issues for the fit, because the design matrix is now singular).
# Fourier Regression with fda
mybasis <- create.fourier.basis(c(0,T),N-2)
basisMat <- eval.basis(x, mybasis)
FDA_regression <- lm(Yper ~ basisMat-1)
FDA_coef <-coef(FDA_regression)
Note that the frequencies are exactly the right ones, but the amplitudes of nonzero components are not (1,2,3,4). The reason is that the fda
Fourier basis functions are scaled in a weird way: their maximum value is not 1, as it would be for the usual Fourier basis ${1,\sin{ \omega x},\cos{ \omega x},\dots}$. It's not $\frac{1}{\sqrt \pi}$ either, as it would have been for the orthonormal Fourier basis, ${\frac{1}{\sqrt {2\pi}},\frac{\sin{ \omega x}}{\sqrt \pi},\frac{\cos{ \omega x}}{\sqrt \pi},\dots}$.
# FDA basis has a weird scaling
You clearly see that:
- the maximum value is less than $\frac{1}{\sqrt \pi}$
- the Fourier basis (truncated to the first $N-2$ terms) contains a constant function (the black line), sines of increasing frequency (the curves which are equal to 0 at the domain boundaries) and cosines of increasing frequency (the curves which are equal to 1 at the domain boundaries), as it should be
Simply scaling the Fourier basis given by fda
, so that the usual Fourier basis is obtained, leads to regression coefficients having the expected values:
basisMat <- basisMat/max(abs(basisMat))
FDA_regression <- lm(Yper ~ basisMat-1)
FDA_coef <-coef(FDA_regression)
barplot(FDA_coef, names.arg = colnames(basisMat), main = "rescaled FDA coefficients")
Let's try fft
now: note that since Yper
is a periodic sequence, the last point doesn't really add any information (the DFT of a sequence is always periodic). Thus we can discard the last point when computing the FFT. Also, the FFT is just a fast numerical algorithm to compute the DFT, and the DFT of a sequence of real or complex numbers is complex. Thus, we really want the moduluses of the FFT coefficients:
fft_coef <- Mod(fft(Yper[1:(N-1)]))*2/(N-1)
We multiply by $\frac{2}{N-1}$ in order to have the same scaling as with the Fourier basis ${1,\sin{ \omega x},\cos{ \omega x},\dots}$. If we didn't scale, we would still recover the correct frequencies, but the amplitudes would all be scaled by the same factor with respect to what we found before. Let's now plot the fft coefficients:
fft_coef <- fft_coef[1:((N-1)/2)]
terms <- paste0("exp",seq(0,(N-1)/2-1))
barplot(fft_coef, names.arg = terms, main = "FFT coefficients")
Ok: the frequencies are correct, but note that now the basis functions are not sines and cosines any more (they're complex exponentials $\exp{ni\omega x}$, where with $i$ I denote the imaginary unit). Note also that instead than a set of nonzero frequencies (1,2,3,4) as before, we got a set (1,2,5). The reason is that a term $x_n\exp{ni\omega x}$ in this complex coefficient expansion (thus $x_n$ is complex) corresponds to two real terms $a_n sin(n\omega x)+b_n cos(n\omega x)$ in the trigonometric basis expansion, because of the Euler formula $\exp{ix}=\cos{x}+i\sin{x}$. The modulus of the complex coefficient is equal to the sum in quadrature of the two real coefficients, i.e., $|x_n|=\sqrt{a_n^2+b_n^2}$. As a matter of fact, $5=\sqrt{3^3+4^2}$.