I work with event sequence. Let's say I observe LED blinking. My sequence will look like black spikes on figure. Intervals between events distributed similarly (but not absolutely) to $\gamma$ with coefficient of variation 0.6-0.7. (Mean and $\sigma$ may vary).
Next, I divide sequence for several bins of the same duration (red lines) and count number of events in each bin (variable $Count$). I calculate average $Count$ let's call it $M_{Count}$ additionally I calculate standard deviation (or other measure of variance) of inter-events intervals for each bin and average it so i have $STD_{intervals}$.
I should calculate p-value for each $M_{Count}$ and $STD_{intervals}$ under assumption, that process is memoryless, or in other words that intervals are independent. For this I may use bootstrap methods, but I need analytical at least asymptotic solution, as bootstrap in my case is very time-demanding- i have thousands sequences 100-200 events each.
Could you help me to obtain a null-distributions for both $M_{Count}$ and $STD_{intervals}$