I am using the metaprop function in R to obtain estimates for a fixed effects model, a random effects model and a prediction interval.
I've done this many times, without any issues, but I'm puzzled by a result I recently arrived at.
The code I'm using is:
metaprop(df1$r, df1$n, df1$A, method.ci="WS", sm="PLOGIT", method.tau="ML", prediction=TRUE, level.predict=0.95, method="GLMM")
I'm getting the same proportion and same confidence interval, to 4 decimal places, for each of the fixed effects and random effects. The prediction interval also matched the confidence intervals for both models.
Is this just a coincidence or is something going wrong? The heterogeneity statistics could explain it, as I'm aware that the difference between RE and FE is the presence of between-study variation being taken into account for RE models. The heterogeneity results are:
Quantifying heterogeneity:
tau^2 = 0; H = 1.00; I^2 = 0.0%
Test of heterogeneity:
Q d.f. p-value Test
8.11 12 0.7767 Wald-type
19.39 12 0.0795 Likelihood-Ratio
Although the individual proportions and interval are generally relatively similar, they aren't all the same, so should the between-study variance really be zero?
Any help with this would be appreciated. I feel that the results are correct, but a better explanation would be welcome.