I am new to MCMC and reading a intro paper regarding Gibbs sampling. However, there are two parts in the paper I cannot understand and get stuck. The first part is equation 2.3 in page 168. It says that if $X^{'}_{j}$ is drawn from the process of Gibbs sampling, $X^{'}_{j}\sim f(x|Y^{'}_{j}=y^{'}_{j})$. It further claims under "general conditions," the distribution of $X^{'}_{j}$ converges to $f(x)$ as $n\rightarrow\infty$. Can anyone help explain what these general conditions are and why/how this statement is true.
The second part is at the beginning of page 169, expression 2.9 says $\hat{f(x)}=\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}f(x|y_{i})$, and the theory behind this equation is $E[f(x|Y)]=\int f(x|y)f(y)dy$. This confuses me because my understanding about monte carlo integration is that for example, $E[X]=\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}X_{i}$ is true due to the law of large number that $\frac{X_{i}}{m}$ converges to $X_{i}\times p(X_{i})$ when $m\rightarrow\infty$. However, I don't see how equation 2.9 can be explained by the concept of monote carlo integration. Can anyone explain the intuition or math behind this equation? Thanks!
EDIT 1 (My Answer/Thought for Part 2)
I have thought about this question, and since no one responds yet, I will try my answer first and see whether someone has a better explanation. For the second part, instead of using $f(x|y_{i})$, let's focus on the density of a specific value $x^{a}$, which is $f(x^{a}|y_i)$. For simplicity, now assume $y_i$ is randomly drawn from a density $f(y)$ instead of $f(y|x_i)$ but the result could be generalized to $f(y|x_i)$. Both $f(x|y_i)$ and $f(y)$ are know distribution.
Now we first randomly draw a $y_i$ from $f(y)$ and once we have $y_i$, we further randomly draw a $x_i$ from $f(x|y_i)$. Suppose we do this process $n$ time, and $n\rightarrow\infty$. Given a specific $y^{a}$ and $x^{a}$, we do know the value of $f(x^{a}|y^{a})$, which is just the density of $x^{a}$ cnditional on $y^{a}$. In other words, by Monte Carlo integration, for a given set of $y_i$'s and $x^{a}$, we can dervive that $\frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}_{i=1}f(x^{a}|y_i)\approx\int f(x^{a}|y_i)f(y_i)dy_i=\int f(x^{a}|y)f(y)dy=\int \dfrac{f(x^{a},y)}{f(y)}f(y)dy=\int f(x^{a},y)dy=f(x^{a})$
We can do the same process to dervie $f(x^{b})$, $f(x^{c})$, and etc. In the end, we will have $f(x^{a})$, $f(x^{b})$, $f(x^{c})$, ..., which all together constrcut $f(x)$. Therefore, $\hat{f(x)}=\frac{1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}f(x|y_{i})$.