While bouilding a LASSO-penalized model it is well known that $\lambda =\left\lVert X^ty\right\lVert_\infty$ is the minimum value for which all the $\beta$ coefficients of the model are 0.
Consider for instance the BostonHousing dataset in R
library(mlbench, glmnet)
x <- data.matrix(BostonHousing[,-14]); y <- BostonHousing[,14]
lm = glmnet(x, y, nlambda=10, alpha=1, standardize=FALSE, intercept=FALSE)
> 8473.908
We can compute this by our own as
> 8473.908
However, I dont know how is glmnet computing the lambda value in the case in which intercept is set to true:
lm2 = glmnet(x, y, nlambda=10, alpha=1, standardize=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)
> 724.80000