I have the following
$$x\sim NegativeBinomial(r,\theta)$$
$$\theta \sim beta(a,b)$$
and proved that posterior is
$$\theta|x \sim beta(\sum x_{i} +a,nr+b)$$
I would like to find the posterior predictive distribution so I calculate $$f(y|x)=\int_{0}^{1} f(y|\theta)p(\theta|x)d\theta$$ which is equal to $$\begin{pmatrix} y+r-1\\ y \end{pmatrix}\frac{B(\sum x_{i}+a+y,r+nr+b)}{B(\sum x_{i}+a,nr+b)}$$
and I don't truly know which distribution is this , but it seems similar to Beta-Binomial.
Any idea or help would be great.