Individual subjects. Suppose you have variances $S^2, T^2$ of two independent samples of sizes $n, m$ from two normal distributions with variances $\sigma^2,\;\tau^2,$ respectively. And suppose you want to test $H_0: \sigma^2 = \tau^2$ against the one-sided alternative $H_a: \sigma^2 > \sigma_2^2.$
Then under the null hypothesis $H_0,$ the statistic $F = S^2/T^2$ has
Snedecor's F distribution with numerator degrees of freedom $n - 1$ and
denominator degrees of freedom $m - 1.$
Your example. In particular, you give an example in which the pre-treatment creatinine measurements are $(9.2, 6.8, 8.0)$ with $S^2 = 1.44,\; n=3$
and post-treatment measurements
are $(9.2, 8.9, 9.0)$ with $T^2 = 0.0233,\; m = 3.$ Then a test for
equal population variances (against a one-sided alternative) rejects $H_0$ with P-value 0.016:$
a=c(9.2, 6.8, 8.0); b=c(9.2, 8.9, 9.0)
var(a); var(b)
[1] 1.44
[1] 0.02333333
var.test(a, b, alt="greater")
F test to compare two variances
data: a and b
F = 61.714, num df = 2, denom df = 2, p-value = 0.01595
alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
3.24812 Inf
sample estimates:
ratio of variances
If this example of the differences in sample variances is typical of your
results, you should have no trouble finding patients with significant
reductions in variance after treatment.
Speculation about 40 subjects. Just as an experiment to see what might happen, here is a brief simulation. Suppose we have $N = 40$ subjects,
each with three creatinine measurements pre and three measurements post-treatment. Also, suppose that the population standard deviation pre is $\sigma = 1.2$ and the population SD post is $\tau = 0.5.$ This a somewhat less of an
effect than in your example.
Generate fake data roughly to specifications:
mu = 9; theta = 1.2; tau = 0.5; n = 3; N= 40
PRE = matrix(rnorm(n*N, mu, theta), nrow=N) # matrix of creat. meas PRE
PST = matrix(rnorm(n*N, mu, tau), nrow=N) # matrix of creat. meas POST
Find PRE and POST variances for all 40 patients. Show results for first six.
vr.pre = apply(PRE, 1, var); vr.pst = apply(PST, 1, var)
head(cbind(PRE, vr.pre))
[1,] 7.158285 8.671603 9.127335 1.06249629
[2,] 10.036264 9.684452 9.529816 0.06736218
[3,] 7.748063 8.757169 8.073015 0.26532575
[4,] 8.984257 7.174361 11.534081 4.79741228
[5,] 11.920725 10.550296 9.038141 2.07899702
[6,] 7.962571 10.309159 7.835060 1.94065025
head(cbind(PST, vr.pst))
[1,] 10.155144 9.470168 8.765562 0.48276728
[2,] 9.207062 8.750427 8.558065 0.11111928
[3,] 9.667394 10.173364 9.222864 0.22617705
[4,] 10.175448 8.414801 8.457564 1.00880558
[5,] 9.090010 9.175255 8.935155 0.01481576
[6,] 8.859023 7.874286 8.718930 0.28379321
Histogram of ratios of POST/PRE Variances for 40 subjects. A large majority of patients have ratios below 1.
hist(vr.pst/vr.pre, col="skyblue2", main="Ratios of 40 Patient Variances")
abline(v=1, col="red", lwd=2, lty="dotted")
Specifically, 36 simulated subjects showed decreased variability. Under the null hypothesis
(that increase and decrease are equally likely), the probability of 36 or more increases out of 40 subjects is less than 0.0005. So the number of increases for the fake data
would be statistically significant.
sum(vr.pst/vr.pre < 1)
[1] 36
1 - pbinom(35, 40, .5)
[1] 9.285122e-08
I would not expect actual experimental results to be quite so easily analyzed
or for the P-value to be so small. It seems that neither a paired t test nor a
Wilcoxon signed rank test would be appropriate. Data are neither normal nor symmetrical. But other methods are available.
In conclusion, if I have understood your proposed
experiment correctly and your example was roughly typical of actual results, then this simulation seems a promising indication your study would be successful.