In my problem, $p$, $X$, and $N$ are fixed and I want to know the probability. Currently, I am calculating this recursively, as for any given $p$, $X$, $N$, the probability is:
function Prob(p,X,N) {
return p*Prob(p,X-1,N-1) + (1-p)*Prob(p,X,N-1)
The intuition behind this is that if we were successful (first term) we have $X-1$ more successes to find and $N-1$ more trials. If we weren't successful $(1-p)$, we have $X$ more successes to find and $N-1$ more trials.
There are also base cases that I left out where $X=0$ (probability is 1 because we've gotten all the successes) and $N$ less than $X$ (probability is zero because we have no more trials)
The recursion is really killing the speed of computation, so I'm looking for a closed form or approximation or just a point in the right direction.
1 - cdf
idea. $\endgroup$