For a continuous random variable, the probability of any particular value is zero. Only by integrating over some range is a non-zero probability obtained.
The components of the Bayes theorem are random variables.
Thus, in the case of Bayes written for continuous data, say D is the height mass of something, why isn't the dedenominator $P(D)$ zero? The probability density of any particular value is zero (yes)?
$$ P(M|D) = \frac{ P(D|M) P(M) }{ P(D) } $$
I believe that in the Bayes formula we can assign D as the value of a single observation OR as a collection of observations (yes?). If so, in the case where the collection is a continuous interval, then $P(D)$ would be non-zero.
I am also aware that $P(D) = \int P(D|M) P(M) \, dM$. However this does not answer the question for me. Again consider the case where the data is the mass (or height). You can measure a particular mass, but the probability of that exact mass is zero.