I've been messing around with the Shannon index for diversity $ H' = -\sum_i^R {p_i \ln{p_i}} $, and it's associated 'evenness' measure $E = H'/H_{\text{max}}$. I'm trying to come up with a way of tracking the composition/distribution of a sample of categorical (financial) data over time. I've seen a way to test differences in Shannon index themselves, but I would like to see if the 'evenness' has changed significantly (as a sort of diagnostic).
Is there any $t$-test or similar that I could use to implement this?
i.e., I want to be able to test: $$H_0:E_A = E_B \\ H_1: E_A \neq E_B$$
Edit: I've been able to work out the variance for the evenness statistic, simply: $$ s^2_E = \frac{s^2_H}{(\ln{S})^2} $$ but now my problem is in finding the degrees of freedom. According to the link above, the degrees of freedom should be (replacing the $s^2_H$'s with $s^2_E$) $$ \nu = \frac{(s^2_{E_A} + s^2_{E_B})^2}{\frac{(s^2_{E_A})^2}{N_A} + \frac{(s^2_{E_B})^2}{N_B}} $$ Is this the correct formula?