Consider the following toy problem. Suppose that we have several food groups: meat, vegetables, fruit, etc. For any given pair of food types A and B, we ask whether people that eat both A AND B have a different outcome (e.g., live longer) than people who eat A OR B, but not both. After traversing all possible pairs of food categories and applying our test to each, we arrive at a set of p-values:
$Test( meat, vegetables ) \rightarrow p_{12} \\ Test( meat, fruit ) \rightarrow p_{13} \\ ...\\ Test( food_i, food_j ) \rightarrow p_{ij} $
The question is whether $p_{ij}$ values can now be used to determine whether any particular food group consistently leads to a low p value. The Fisher's method appears to be a good first pass at combining $p_{ij}$ for any fixed $i$, but I suspect that it doesn't properly account for the correlation structure in the data. In particular, there is likely a non-zero intersection between "people who eat meat AND vegetables" and "people who eat meat AND fruit", implying that the corresponding $Test(meat,vegetables)$ and $Test(meat,fruit)$ may not be independent.
What is the proper statistical procedure to summarize our grid of $p_{ij}$ values into a meaningful statistic for each $food_i$, assuming that we also have access to the correlation measure for any two tests?
If it makes a difference:
- In our actual application, the
is Wilcoxon Rank Sum - $p_{ii}$ is not well-defined. Food groups are NOT tested against themselves. For example, $Test(meat, meat)$ is not meaningful.