I'm trying to convert the analysis from an old research paper from Stata to R. However, I ran into a problem that I have been unable to fix.
When I compare the coefficients from the two programs, they are not the same, even though the input is the same. I found this thread which describes a similar problem but for fixed effects: Difference between fixed effects models in R (plm) and Stata (xtreg)
However, the answer there gets a lot smaller difference than I get, accounting just for the difference in how plm
and xtreg
handle year effects.
For example, using the V-dem v9 Country-Year Full+Others dataset https://www.v-dem.net/en/data/data-version-9/, I ran this:
Vdemv9 <- readRDS("./Country_Year_V-dem_Full+others_R_v9/V-Dem-CY-Full+Others-v9.rds")
model2 <- plm(v2x_polyarchy ~ v2elembaut+v2elrgstry,
data = Vdemv9,
model = "random",
index = c("country_id","year"))
## Results:
Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.3735057 0.0059080 63.221 < 2.2e-16 ***
v2elembaut 0.1105280 0.0020646 53.534 < 2.2e-16 ***
v2elrgstry 0.0600031 0.0023033 26.051 < 2.2e-16 ***
Stata gives me the following results:
xtset country_id year, yearly
xtreg v2x_polyarchy v2elembaut v2elrgstry
## Results
v2x_polyar~y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
v2elembaut | .1105945 .0020701 53.43 0.000 .1065372 .1146518
v2elrgstry | .0601527 .0023079 26.06 0.000 .0556292 .0646761
_cons | .3733406 .0062298 59.93 0.000 .3611304 .3855508
Am I doing something wrong? If not, is this something I need to worry about? The difference is small at only .0000665 for the coefficient for v2elembaut
, but I would have expected it to not be there at all.