I am using multivariate models in lme4 to try to work out, quantify and compare the effects on a single outcome variable of a large group of fixed effects variables. Because the data are at week and area level, I have included these as fixed effects to avoid pseudo-replication.
So the models will look something like:
model <- lmer(salesvolume ~ var1 + var2 + var3 +
var4 + var5 + var6 + var7 +
var8 + var9 + (1 | week) + (1 | area),
data = dataset)
(Note that in some cases, some of the fixed variables may actually be interactions between other variables).
Once the model has run, I need some way of quantifying (even as an approximate estimate) the proportion of variance in salesvolume
attributable to each of the fixed variables. I am aware that there are methods of estimating R squared for lmer-type objects and I am also aware that MuMIn has a way of giving separate R-squared variables for the fixed and random effects, however getting an overall R-squared estimate for fixed effects does not help me - I need to partition this for each individual fixed effect in the model.
Are there any existing packages/functions for estimating this (or any alternatives that are straightforward enough to perform, interpret and explain to non-analysts)?
(I am aware that the estimated R-squared is not necessarily the most accurate method for determining effect size of these models, however I work in a business setting and so need measures that can be easily explained to and acted upon by business executives, e.g., "variables 2, 6 and 7 all have a positive effect on sales, but variable 2 accounts for 12% of the variance in sales and variable 6 only accounts for 3%, so we should invest more in variable 2 than 6" or "A 2% increase in Y gives around a 10% increase in Z, but a 2% increase in X only gives a 1% increase in Z." Therefore whilst using complex yet highly validated statistical techniques to get a non-intuitive but highly valid measure of relative importance might not give us answers that are actually usable to the business.)