In my linear mixed effects model, I had a significant interaction, I followed up the interaction with orthogonal contrast codes to see where the difference was.
How do I report my findings, other than a p-value? Do I need to report a t or F statistic as well?
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
group 3566 1783 2 90.01 1.0697 0.34743
session 30588 30588 1 629.03 18.3504 2.125e-05 ***
trialtype 3004359 1001453 3 629.03 600.7995 < 2.2e-16 ***
group:session 13907 6953 2 629.03 4.1715 0.01586 *
group:trialtype 6066 1011 6 629.03 0.6065 0.72522
session:trialtype 11775 3925 3 629.03 2.3547 0.07094 .
group:session:trialtype 6154 1026 6 629.03 0.6153 0.71815
For the contrast code, I left the last two as all 0s because I was only interested in compared Group 1 pre-post (1-4) Group 2 pre-post (2-5) and Group 3 pre-post (3-6). Please correct if this is wrong.
Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 302.910 3.588 84.429 <2e-16 ***
pairwisegp1 5.431 6.210 0.875 0.3821
pairwisegp2 2.016 6.223 0.324 0.7460
pairwisegp3 12.373 6.210 1.993 0.0467 *
pairwisegp4 NA NA NA NA
pairwisegp5 NA NA NA NA