I have two heavy-tailed random variables and want to know if they are correlated. While I only have estimates for the tail exponent, it is in a ballpark so that variance would normally not exist. The mean might exist but may be slow to converge.
I understand that using the Pearson correlation coefficient or a Least Squares regression are bad ideas as they rely on variance and covariance.
I found a paper by Balkema and Embrechts that considers regressions for heavy-tailed variables and heavy-tailed errors and concludes that for my case (non-existing variance), least squares and also least absolute deviation perform poorly. The authors suggest various more exotic loss functions for which they show the regression to perform better in that case. They incidentally also mention that least squares will be fine if the errors have finite variance. (I do not know whether they do or how to find out without performing the regression first.)
What is the best practice for this case?
I seem to remember seeing Spearman rank correlation being used. While this would certainly get rid of extreme observations (which cause infinite moments in heavy-tailed data), it also seems to blow up minor differences in observations with similar values (which would be expected in the body of the distribution for heavy-tailed distributions).
The solutions proposed by Balkema and Embrechts are probably not implemented in R or python and I am reluctant to implement this myself as it creates an additional source of errors.