About my question: it is a mix between the assumptions of the model and the implementation.
I implemented a DCC(1,1) model for two retrun series (bivariate correlation), with the autoregressive order: 1,1. In total, each return series has 3435 observations (daily returns). For the implemantation I used R (Package ‘rmgarch’).
This are my assumptions for the model:
##Data frame with two return series
Base_Corr <- data.frame(ret.X, ret.Y)
##Specifications for the GARCH model (Volatility part of the DCC)
uspec.Corr = multispec(replicate(2, ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),
mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=TRUE), distribution.model="norm")))
multf.Corr = multifit(uspec.Corr,Base_Corr)
##Specifications for the Correlation (Correlation part of the DCC)
spec.Corr = dccspec(uspec = uspec.Corr, dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = 'mvnorm')
fit.Corr = dccfit(spec.Corr, data = Base_Corr; fit.control = list(eval.se = TRUE), fit = multf.Corr)
I obtained the follwoing results:
Distribution : mvnorm
Model : DCC(1,1)
No. Parameters : 11
[VAR GARCH DCC UncQ] : [0+8+2+1]
No. Series : 2
No. Obs. : 3435
Log-Likelihood : 22738.88
Av.Log-Likelihood : 6.62
Optimal Parameters
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[ret.US_Equity_REIT].mu 0.000609 0.000163 3.7322 0.000190
[ret.US_Equity_REIT].omega 0.000002 0.000002 1.0786 0.280774
[ret.US_Equity_REIT].alpha1 0.128133 0.032556 3.9358 0.000083
[ret.US_Equity_REIT].beta1 0.869733 0.029627 29.3562 0.000000
[ret.US_MSCI_Large].mu 0.000804 0.000133 6.0662 0.000000
[ret.US_MSCI_Large].omega 0.000003 0.000003 1.0560 0.290975
[ret.US_MSCI_Large].alpha1 0.145551 0.017921 8.1219 0.000000
[ret.US_MSCI_Large].beta1 0.837296 0.024228 34.5594 0.000000
[Joint]dcca1 0.043839 0.009706 4.5168 0.000006
[Joint]dccb1 0.943457 0.014202 66.4328 0.000000
Information Criteria
Akaike -13.233
Bayes -13.213
Shibata -13.233
Hannan-Quinn -13.226
Elapsed time : 1.571353
My Question is: In the DCC GARCH Fit I get 3435 Oberservations, why I get 3435 obersavations instead of 3434? Because I assume a lag structure of one day DCC(1,1) and used 3435 observations for each return series.