
I have used a DCC Garch model to estimate the co-movement between 2 indices using the following command in Stata:

mgarch dcc (X Y = , noconstant), arch(1) garch(1) constraints(1 2)
predict H*, variance

After the variance prediction I get a column with the variances per time unit. My question is how to transform the variances to the correlations per time unit?

  • $\begingroup$ Could this be helpful for you? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 13:00

5 Answers 5


You can just use the fact that the correlation at any time $t$ of two series in the DCC GARCH model, $Y_{1t}, Y_{2t}$ is just $\tfrac{\mathbb{C}(Y_{1t}, Y_{2t})}{\sqrt{\mathbb{V}(Y_{1t})\mathbb{V}(Y_{1t})}}$.

You can compute this manually as in the following example

webuse stocks, clear

// fit the DCC GARCH model
mgarch dcc (toyota nissan = , noconstant) (honda = , noconstant), ///
    arch(1) garch(1)

// predict the conditional covariances
predict condvar*, variance 

// generate the correlations
g condcorr_nissan_toyota = condvar_nissan_toyota/ ///
g condcorr_honda_toyota = condvar_honda_toyota/ ///
g condcorr_honda_nissan = condvar_honda_nissan/ ///

// plot the conditional correlations
tsline condcorr_nissan_toyota condcorr_honda_toyota condcorr_honda_nissan, ///

enter image description here


This is my do file for command to study the dcc between stock return of one country Chile and U.S with t-distribution. I hope it is helpful.

gen t=_n
tsset t, daily
mgarch dcc (reche=L.reche L.reus) (reus=L.reus), arch (1) garch(1) distribution(t)
predict H*, variance
gen corr_che_us= H_reus_reche/(sqrt( H_reche_reche)*sqrt( H_reus_reus))
tsline corr_che_us

There are some very important steps to be taken before defining your time series.

You can generate time variable first:

//generate time variable t
gen t=_n
//time series set
tsset t

Then start the above steps.

After all the analysis is done, you can copy paste the real date to the value. Then it will give you a good graph. Otherwise, especially for 5-day per week data, it may create problems.

  • $\begingroup$ Does that generate the correlations the OP asked for? $\endgroup$
    – mdewey
    Commented Oct 1, 2016 at 8:59

Hi Can you help me to identify the mistake.I am trying to generate conditional variance plots.These are my commands: mgarch dcc ( zar euro), arch(1) garch(2) predict H*, variance gen corr zar euro= H_euro_zar/(sqrt( H_zar_zar)*sqrt( H_euro_euro)) and I am getting this answer:

variable zar already defined


The predict command should generate variances and covariances? In which case just generate the correlations manually via the correlation formula.

  • $\begingroup$ Should you clarify you answer and provide some details. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 19, 2013 at 12:07

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