I have some test data for a battery (pulsed discharge curves), and I am attempting to fit a second-order RC model to those curves.
In many cases it looks like I can get a good fit, but the longest RC time constant I get can range from ~0.75 hours to ~5 hours. The test data I have is only the first 30 minutes of the discharge step response. Is that enough of a duration to adequately fit for a time constant that might be a few hours long?
My feeling is no... but where is the boundary between having enough test data to fit an exponential curve with some lengthy time constant?
EDIT FOR MORE CONTEXT: Here is a wikipedia link to an RC circuit, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC_circuit.
You can see an image of the RC exponential curve here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC_circuit#/media/File:Series_RC_capacitor_voltage.svg.
My question is essentially, how much of the curve do you need to know (starting from t=0) to fit the exponential.