As per my understanding KL divergence can be used to check the divergence between two probability distributions, but is there a cutoff value of KLD, above which we say the distributions are different and below which we say they are same?
Edit: I understand 2 distributions are same if any only if kld is 0, but is there a statistical check like hypothesis checking and p values. for example the p value need not be 0 but even if p <0.05 we treat the means/proportions are different in hypothesis testing
Here is the usecase, I have in mind for using KLD to compare distributions. say I am doing an AB test, I randomized users into Test and control, wanted to check if the proportion/distribution of different covariates (age, usage type) in test and control are same and for this, I wanted to use KLD to check for the distribution divergence and looking to see if there is a cutoff above which we can say the distributions are different.