I'm hoping to reproduce the following figure from Matt Taddy's book Business Data Science using the Happiness data set from Kaggle.
Running linear regression using lasso regularization, he observes a minimum in the out-of-sample (OOS) mean squared error and asserts that this value of lambda represents a good choice for regularization. Makes sense.
When I try the same thing on the happiness data set, a couple things look right: in-sample MSE is lower than out-of-sample MSE, and coefficients go to zero as regularization parameter is increased.
However, I don't see any drop in out-of-sample mean squared error with increasing lambda -- it's noisy and flat (top plot, orange trace).
As I understand it, dialing up lambda (sklearn.linear_model.Lasso()
calls this alpha
) should reduce OOS MSE as the fitted coefficients generalize better to the unseen data.
Why might I not be seeing a minimum in OOS MSE?
I wrote up the code myself because I wanted to understand how it works. I used 10-fold cross-validation with shuffled sampling and scanned 300 points across the regularization range of 10^-12 <= alpha <= 1.
Here it is:
# k-fold cross validation with lasso regularization
import numpy as np
alphas = np.logspace(-12, 0, 301)
coefs_all = []
coefs_avg_all = []
coefs_std_all = []
mse_train_avg_all = []
mse_test_avg_all = []
mse_train_std_all = []
mse_test_std_all = []
for alpha in alphas:
# randomly split data into k folds
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
folds = 10
kf = KFold(n_splits=folds, shuffle=True)
coefs = []
mse_train = []
mse_test = []
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X):
X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index]
# build model on training data and get coefficients
from sklearn import linear_model
lasso = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=alpha)
lasso.fit(X_train, y_train)
coefs_fold = lasso.coef_
# get mean squared error of model predictions
y_pred_train_fold = np.dot(X_train, coefs_fold)
y_pred_test_fold = np.dot(X_test, coefs_fold)
mse_train_fold = sum((y_train - y_pred_train_fold) ** 2) / len(y_train)
mse_test_fold = sum((y_test - y_pred_test_fold) ** 2) / len(y_test)
# for each fold, add coeffs and mses to growing list
# across folds at this alpha, get average values of coefficients, mses, and stdevs
coefs_avg_alpha = [sum(items) / len(coefs) for items in zip(*coefs)]
coefs_std_alpha = [np.std(items) for items in zip(*coefs)]
mse_train_avg_alpha = np.average(mse_train)
mse_test_avg_alpha = np.average(mse_test)
mse_train_std_alpha = np.std(mse_train)
mse_test_std_alpha = np.std(mse_test)
# compile these average values into growing list
# compile mean square error summary into dataframe
mse_df = pd.DataFrame({'Alpha': alphas,
'MSE train avg': mse_train_avg_all,
'MSE test avg': mse_test_avg_all,
'MSE train std': mse_train_std_all,
'MSE test std': mse_test_std_all})
# bind coefficients to previous dataframe
coefs_df = pd.DataFrame(coefs_avg_all, columns=X.columns.to_list())
lasso_cv_summary_df = pd.concat([mse_df, coefs_df], axis=1)
. This is really important, since you want all your features to have the same scale properties so that the regularization penalty applies fairly across all of them. $\endgroup$StandardScaler
by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation (df_norm = ( df - df.mean() ) / df.std()
). I will take your advice and invert the order of alpha and CV loops to see how OOS MSE vs. alpha looks with the same train and test sets across alpha. $\endgroup$shuffle=False
accomplishes the same thing. However, OOS MSE vs. alpha remains perfectly flat! At no value of alpha does the model perform better on unseen data than the unregularized (i.e., alpha=0) model. This is surprising to me and I'm still thinking that something's probably not right with my code. $\endgroup$