Suppose you have some moment generating function $M_x(t)$ Now all the random variables x are increased by a arbitrary value b. What is the new moment generating value?
I tried solving this by moving back from the MGF to the probability distribution, but this proved impossible. Could somebody give me a nudge in the right direction? I'm looking for a 'proven' method instead of using intuition. Thanks!
Is this correct?
Declare a new variable $y = x + b$, so $x = y - b$
$E(e^{tx}) = E(e^{ty-tb}) = E(e^{ty})E(e^{-tb}) = M_y(t)E(e^{-tb}) =M_y(t)e^{-tb}$
all the random variables x
, but the argument to the mgf is not the random variable! $\endgroup$