Wackerly et al's text states this theorem "Let $m_x(t)$ and $m_y(t)$ denote the moment-generating functions of random variables X and Y, respectively. If both moment-generating functions exist and $m_x(t) = m_y(t)$ for all values of t, then X and Y have the same probability distribution." without a proof saying its beyond the scope of the text. Scheaffer Young also has the same theorem without a proof. I don't have a copy of Casella, but Google book search didn't seem to find the theorem in it.
Gut's text seems to have an outline of a proof, but doesn't make reference to the "well-known results" and also requires knowing another result whose proof is also not provided.
Does anyone know who originally proved this and if the proof is available online anywhere? Otherwise how would one fill in the details of this proof?
In case I get asked no this is not a homework question, but I could imagine this possibly being someone's homework. I took a course sequence based on the Wackerly text and I have been left wondering about this proof for some time. So I figured it was just time to ask.