I have a situation where $X_1,...X_n$ come from $N(\mu,1)$ and there is a realization of 10 $x$ values. I want to use the EM algorithm to work out the MLE.
So, I am trying to compute the expected conditional log-likelihood (the Q function). This is given by
The log-likelihood for the normal distribution with variance = 1 is given by
$$\frac{-n}{2}ln(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2}\sum(x_i-\mu)$$
Hence, plugging this into the equation above we get
$$Q(\mu,\mu_n) = \frac{-n}{2}ln(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2}E[\sum(x_i-\mu) | \mu_n]$$
From this point I am unsure how to proceed and if I'm even going in the right direction.