I am conducting a regression where in I have data at the quarterly level for 19 companies (I have data ranging from 2007-2019 so about 30-50 quarters for each company). My regression model in STATA is as follows:
DV (in quarter t+1) = constant + IV (in quarter t) + Controls (in quarter t) + Lag DV (i.e DV in quarter t) + error
IV stands for independent variable and DV for dependent variable. The lagged DV is just a control variable and not my main variable of interest. The main variable of interest is the IV (in quarter t). I run the above using quarter and firm fixed effects and robust standard errors.
Question - does the inclusion of lagged DV bias all coefficients or just the coefficient on lagged DV? I know I should control for some sort of autocorrelation but how can I do that (eg. using prais command?). Is there anything else I can do to test the robustness of my results.
Any help is appreciated