I need some help with the following:
I have a regression problem of income and degree type. Degree is a factor with 4 levels: high school diploma, bachelor's degree, master's and phd. In order to run a regression model for this, there is the need for 3 dummy variables in the model (say that high school diploma is the reference category).
If I want to rerun the model but this time I don't want to have 3 dummies, but only 2: one for master's and one for phd. I found a function called model.matrix(model) which I can use to extract $x_3$ and $x_4$ dummies ($x_3$ for MSc and $x_4$ for phd), and then run a regression based only on these like this:
lm(income ~ model.matrix(model)[, c(-1, -2)]
However in this case, I am not sure how to interpret the results and specifically the intercept. I guess that somehow, the intercept now incorporates both high school and bachelor's dummy variables?
Thanks in advance.