Let $X_1, X_2, ..., X_n$ be random variables from the following densities: $$ f(x_i|\theta) = \frac{1}{2i\theta} \text{ for } -i(\theta-1) < x_i < i(\theta+1) $$ and otherwise the density is zero.
This is a problem from Casella and Berger statistical inference second edition that requires to produce a two dimensional sufficient statistic.
The answer says that $$\left(\frac{\min(x_i)}{i}, \frac{\max(x_i)}{i}\right)$$ will be a two dimensional sufficient statistic. My question is that why not $$\left\{-\min([x_i-i]/i), \max([x_i-i]/i)\right\}$$ will be a sufficient statistic?
I think it will and we can use the one one function invariance property of sufficient statistic for that? I am sure if I am thinking in the right direction.